Do you want to learn how to paste screenshots into your Power Apps and then save them as files or SharePoint Rich Text? Then this video has you covered. Learn how to paste the image and then save it as a file. Once you have it as a file then you can use your text manipulation functions like Replace to automatically create the link as Rich text.
Click the video below to get started!
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Key Timestamps:
0:00 Get Started
Paste a screenshot into SharePoint Rich Text with Power Apps
This video covers: RichTextEditor Control, Power Automate Flow, Base64, Replace, Mid, Find, Split, Patch, If, CountRows, and With functions
1:09 Explain the SharePoint column
3:08 Demo the power App
Shane demos the Power App he created and is using in this video
6:15 Show the image upload flow
Shane shows the flow he created, which has a Power Apps trigger to make upload easier
7:06 Look at the formula for saving the image to the SharePoint Rich Text field
8:22 Breaking down the problem further
17:34 Talking about limitations and how to think about the harder problems
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